I've always been very reluctant to just write a person off. I'm constantly forgiving and giving people the benefit of the doubt and expecting the same in return. But sometimes a relationship is just unsalvagable....
Last week I ended a friendship. I've actully been searching for the strength to end it and walk away for a while now, but recent events in our relationship made the decision easy and surprisingly unemotional. I actually didn't even make it. He did. And I am so relieved. I was relieved the moment I knew it was over. I can finally breathe...
To say it simply, our relationship was toxic. It wasn't always that way, or maybe I just didn't notice it right away. I was aware, however, that I wasn't myself around him. I was irrational and emotional and rarely happy. I was also consumed by hatred for his girlfriend whenever I was around him (or her). Now, I get along with most everyone. Rarely do I not. But this girl, from the very beginning, rubbed me wrong. So when he told me something about their relationship that I should never have known, I hated him too for putting me in that position. He said it was because he "needed a friend", all along knowing how much I despised her. I wanted to be his friend, but I just couldn't "that" friend. And thus this piece of information was the final breaking point of our relationship.
Now, a few days later, the transformation is incredible. I am the confident, sexy, independent woman I was before this whole roller coaster began. I am happy and learning to just let things go. Now, I can move on and become whole again.