So in celebration of Mr. George Washington's Birthday, and in turn the Monday holiday, I took a trip to Boise for the weekend. I figured I needed a little mini vacation since the next holiday isn't for another 3 months, and all government agencies may be closing after March 4th if Congress can't decide on a budget or CRA... but I digress.
Boise!! The only time I ever make it to Boise is for work, so this weekend was a real treat. My friend Kim tagged along because she also had people in Boise she wanted to see, so it was nice to have the company on the drive and someone to split the gas with. :) We started the weekend off right and headed out to the bar for some drinks and pool. Unfortunately, Idaho still allows smoking in bars, so I was pretty miserable with the stench and the whole not being able to breathe thing (I'm so spoiled in WA), but we made the best of it. I think the best part of the night was the 3 AM carne asada burrito from the taco truck parked outside the bar. SOOO good (but apparently not up to par, according to my friend, Mike...).
We also did some shopping, went to a Stealheads (hockey) game, and hit the slopes up at Bogus Basin.
Now Bogus was interesting....
So Kim's friend, Cook, came skiing with Mike, Kim and I, and 2 runs into the day she started feeling pretty sickly. She ended up curling up in Mike's truck for most of the day fighting off a stomach bug. :( THEN, sometime after that, I caught my heal edge and took a nasty fall down the mountain hitting my head pretty hard. It took a while for me to realize I had a concussion. Stupidly, I did about 3 more runs before I couldn't do anymore. Like I said... stupid.
The drive down the mountain was interesting. Cook ended up getting sick out the window (somehow missing the truck) while I did everything I could not to do the same. By the time we got back to the house, I had severe nausea, a 100 degree fever, a knarly headache, and vertigo. I just curled up on the couch and reveled in my misery. Not even Mike's homemade turkey noodle soup, with HOMEMADE noodles, could make me feel better...
By Monday morning I felt more human, but I'm so glad Kim was there to drive home. I probably would've stayed in Boise had she not been there... which I actually would've been OK with. :)
So the moral of the story is:
Wear a helmet... or just take up skiing.