Monday, June 14, 2010

back to school?

So on a whim a few months ago, I requested some information about an online graduate school program in forensic psychology. Not knowing exactly what I was getting into, and feeling the deep desire for a change of pace, I applied and, ha, what do you know, I got accepted. The student orientation is tomorrow afternoon. Classes start on the 28th. Am I really doing this? And in forensic psych? Seriously?? And for someone that was worried about the responsibility that comes with owning a dog, this is a huge commitment - on both my wallet and social life. But I'm afraid that if I don't do it now, I never will... But my newest worry is: Will this interfere with the CRUISE!?!?!?!?!!

On a lighter note, I'm singing the National Anthem at the Walla Walla Sweets baseball game this Saturday. Everyone's like "You're singing? By yourself??" That's generally how it's done, folks. It's not my first time to the rodeo. :) I'm excited. My sister and nephew are coming for a visit too! I'm really excited to show them the town and how great Bandit's doing in obedience school. And next weekend I'm headed west of the Cascades. Yay! Karaoke, a flying lesson (hopefully), participant in the cheering section for a half marathon, helping my mom move, visiting friends... I have doubts about fitting everything and everyone in! All the more reason to take off Wednesday afternoon and start early. :)

1 comment:

Amelia said...

I hope you're ready to sing a duet or two with Tony...
Also, congratulations on school! I had no idea! I think it's great and I have no doubt you will succeed. It seems to me that I am always happier when I have a purpose and am moving toward something. My guess is that you are similar in this manner.