Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hi, my name is Stephanie, and I'm an infomercial sucker.

Over the past year or two I've fallen prey to a few informercials... Go ahead... say it. I'm super gullable. I've known this about myself since... well, since I could understand what "gullable" meant.

The first one was WEN Haircare...

In my defense, I was in the hospital for that blood thing and miserable beyond belief. The hospital didn't have cable, so in the middle of the night when the nurse would come in and poke me for bloodwork, I would stay up and watch the home shopping network or get suckered into the oh so enticing infomercials for the magic bullet or the fancy, never dull in your lifetime, even after sawing through a brick, knife sets.
Anyway, this WEN stuff lured me in and I called in my order in the wee hours of the morning. I liked the stuff at first, even gifted a bottle or two to friends, but after a while, I got tired of the stuff, and had WAY too much, and canceled my deliveries. I still have 2 bottles at home that will probably take me a year to use...

A few months later I decided to try bareMinerals makeup...

Now, I've had my fair share of bad luck with makeup, but I LOVE this stuff!! My sister even got me some for Christmas!! She's way awesome like that... Anyway, the only part about this that I fell prey to was the mail order delivery. I was paying the same price for half the product, plus shipping. I finally canceled my deliveries last month and started getting the stuff at one of the over priced beauty salons in town (the haircuts and stuff are over priced, not the makeup). :)

The last, most recent and financially STUPID informercial purchase I made was for the Food Lovers Fat Loss System...

Now before you judge me, it was a VERY convincing infomercial... OK, judge me. I deserve it. I got suckered, but not by the program. I actually like the program. I got effed by the "extras." I signed up for some "free" extra stuff, and forgot to cancel in time (my own stupid fault). BUT after I canceled, they were still charging me... so I called last week to bitch about it and demand a refund... and of course they said there was no record of me canceling. And of course I didn't have my cancelation # on me... It was Bullshit!! So... I canceled again, but only after paying up the ASS...and making SURE I wrote down the cancelation # this time. I am so stupid sometimes...

Anyway, the whole reason for this post was to say that after buying the "program" about 3 months ago, in an attempt to get bikini and 5K run ready, I'm finally actually doing it... Or at least this is my 3rd day of 21. We'll see how long I last. It's supposed to be life changing.... I'll let you know when I'm allowed to have tasty, frosty beverages again...



Amelia said...

One of the reasons I love you is that you're so suggestible... If we had known each other in college, we would have gotten in a bunch of trouble.

Margarita Primavera said...

where do you get bare minerals in town?... me want!