Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seattle sunblock

So I made it to Orlando... Granted it was 3 days later than originally planned, and I missed out on my dolphin swim, but I got me some vitamin D (minus the sunburn), some new friends, and a poorly drawn caricature.

So the conference itself was a bust. Many of the topics had absolutely nothing to do with me, so I was quite bitter sitting in a dark conference room pining for the poolside lounge chair and Mai Tai that was calling my name.

But once I was out of that dingy prison they called a conference room, I managed to make it to Sea World to see Shamu, and to Wet-n-Wild where I proceeded to relive a little bit of my childhood with some fellow conference goers and a couple resident Floridians, for whom I now have an excuse (besides the dolphin swim) to return to O-town to visit. :)

We also hit up some of the night life in downtown Orlando. Saturday night, post W&W, we headed out to the club which is definitely something I miss, seeing as how I currently reside in a town with limited civilization... And then after we closed down the club, we hit Mc.D's for a late night/early morning snack. We caused a rucus, to say the least... :) I think I got back to the hotel around 4 am... quickly showered, packed my bags and caught the shuttle to the airport at 5 am. :) I was dead to the world as soon as we took off.

And then I stepped off the plane into overcast, 50 degree weather and I immediately wanted to go back.

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