Friday, December 21, 2012

Whirlwind of Change and... Stuff.

So, yeah. It's been a looooooong time since my last post. I have no excuses beyond laziness. :-\

I'm still doing really well with the finances goals, however, there was a recent wrench thrown at me that may derail my progress for a time called "I'm moving to Portland."

Yeah. I'm finally escaping from small town life. The thing is, since I've been talking about it for so long, now that it's actually happening I'm having mixed feelings about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited about living near civilization again, but I love the friends I have here. And I'm really going to miss my less than 5 minute commute. And I'm REALLY not all that happy about the incredibly high OR state income tax... But on the other hand, there are so many more opportunities - professional, personal, and romantical - as well as an abundance of tasty, frothy beverages to drink with old college friends that I'm sure I'll find a way to adjust relatively quickly.

Anyway, that's not happening till the end of January, so I have some time before my life is turned upside down. In the meantime, the roommate (oh yeah, I got a new roommate back in June) and his baby mama (oh yeah, he got his ex-girlfriend preggers) are due January 1. I'm thankful that he is more than willing to take care of the Bandido while I'm in Seattle next week (Bandit and his dog, Harley, are like best buds. It's so cute), but I just can't help but look down and shake my head about his whole situation. There's way too much shit going on there to go into it here, so I'll just say he's pretty f**ked. I'm glad I'm leaving before the real shit hits the fan.

And with that short round up of recent life events, I'm presented with a very important question... When I leave, what do I title my blog!?!?!


Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

OK, don't panic...

Breathe... Just breathe.

I'm freaking out a little bit because I just drained my savings of everything but 30 bucks and change to pay off the last big credit card I had. It feels good to have that gone, but mostly all I feel is my blood pressure rising from the anxiety attack I'm having...

To recap - financial goals for 2012:

1. Put my January bonus and entire tax refund toward paying off Credit Card #1.
- DONE!! Card #1 paid off!

2. Use the extra cash saved from paying off CC #1 to pay down CC #2.


3. Once CCs are paid down/off, use that $$ to increase payment on car (which, by the way, if I HADN'T traded in my beautiful Civic with great gas mileage, this payment would be ZERO right now... stupid).

- Refinanced instead. Will continue to make payments and just not buy another car for a loooong time...

4. Take $100 out every 2 weeks for frivilous spending. Once it's gone, it's gone.
  - Meh. I've been pretty conscious about it, but I should buckle down on this again.
5. Seriously cut back on my shopping addiction... and by that, I mean by at least half.
- I've actually been doing really well with this one! Kicking that shopping addictions ass! :-)

6. Potentially get a 2nd job to ease the pain of my self inflicted financial noose...
- yeah, that didn't happen... not sure it will. I am putting in OT at the office though. Pays just as much as a second job...
New Goals:
1. Take out loan on 401k to pay off timeshare mess.
- Done. I know, I know. I'm stealing from my future. But I really think it was my best option. The small, remaining balance on the timeshare should be paid off by August.

2. Using the $$ I'm already saving, the $$ from CC#1 and CC#2, and come August, the $$ going towards the timeshare, pay off 401K loan by September 2013.
- Whew! Now THAT'S ambitious. But doable...

Now does all this mean I'm officially a grown up?

I sure hope not.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Do the Dew...

Hello hello!
It's a good day today. The sun is out and it's almost warm enough to walk outside without a parka. That makes me hopeful for spring, and baseball and long dog walks around the lake and golf! :) It should be here soon...

Speaking of soon approaching events, my roommate announced she plans to move out in the next few months, so I may be in need of a new roommate here fairly soon. Either that, or a new job in a new city. I should consider this motivation to kick the job search in high gear, right? Well, I guess only time will tell which one prevails - roommate or job. I'll post with updates.

Anyway, with that announcement stressing me out, I figured a weekend away would help clear my head. So I headed out west to catch an old friend from high school that was in town from LA. I tagged along on a family trip to Deception Pass and Ft. Casey, which was a total blast. I hadn't been to Ft. Casey since high school, so I was excited to run around in the dark tunnels scaring everyone that passed by. We used to play capture the flag there every Veterans Day back in the day. We'd dress up in army fatigues and camoflauge make up and go ALL OUT! Being there again made me want to plan a throw back game with all the old crowd. How much fun would THAT be!?
Anyway, the rest of the trip was spent consuming entire bags of Cheetos and multiple cans of Mt. Dew, as is roadtrip tradition. But the last time I had Mt. Dew was like 12 years ago, so my stomach was not pleased with my poor choices. Can you say gut bomb? Ugh. So we made up for it (or added to it?)with tasty alcoholic bevvies, Taco Time, and a game of cards when we got home. It was a great day. :)

The rest of the weekend kind of fell short of what I'd had planned. I had wanted to head up to Sequim/Port Angeles to see my brother and my two freakin' adorable nephews, but he had to cancel on me. :( But I did get to spend some quality time with a few other old friends from high school and started planning a Mexico trip with my sister in June!! So while my nephew is off exploring DC, NYC, and Boston with his 8th grade class, my sister and I will be soaking up the sun, sipping Mai Tais on the beach and getting our hair braided by 8 year olds. :)

As a side note, and a testiment to just how small this world is - the friend visiting from LA, his brother is my nephew's english teacher. :) I just loved the look on my nephews face when I told him I spent a whole day with his teacher. Classic panic. It was awesome.

And now I'm back in the Dub Dub fighting with the full sink of dishes I just couldn't bring myself to wash before I took off for the weekend. Gross, I know. I really need a dishwasher...


Thursday, February 2, 2012

My life in photos...

Blog Challenge from a random blog I read once and have now forgotten... 

Interesting fact (or not), is that while compiling this post I realized that sometime in the last 2 years I stopped being a pathalogical picture taker. Hmmm... Well, that may have something to do with my missing camera. Oh well, here you go!

I only wish I could do it as a slide show and narrate it with music. :)

1. Someone you spend a lot of time with:

2. A picture of you:

3. A random picture of you and a friend:

4. A picture of something that makes you happy: my youngest nephew! He's just so stinkin' cute!

5. An old picture of you:

6. A picture of you and a family member:

7. A picture you've never posted before: (Because what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But I thought I'd make an exception...)

8. A picture of your favorite place: Home. :)

9. A picture of your everyday life: Work lunch aka "Gangsta" lunch w/ friends

10. A school photo: 2nd grade?

11. A picture that reminds you of the good ol' days: 6th grade class pic. Whoa.

12. A picture that always makes you smile:

13. A picture from a great night: Kenny Loggins Concert. Everybody Footloose!!

14. A picture of someone you always have a good time with:

15. A picture of you on a vacation: Caribbean Cruise :)

16. A picture (or 4) of your closest friends:

17. Another random photo you love:

18. A picture of an accomplishment: Gladiator Rock 'n Run. Booyah!

19. A picture of someone you'll miss:

20. Another photo(s) that makes you smile:

Friday, January 27, 2012

I think I might probably do that at some point...

So, it was brought to my attention recently that I may have trouble with commitment.

(See? I can't even commit to saying I have a commitment problem...)

Of course, I don't think so because I've always considered myself a planner, and planners by nature like to commit. I like to have plans. I'm a very social person and I like to be busy, so having plans makes me feel fulfilled... or something like that. Although, having the same plans on a reoccuring basis, like bowling every Friday for example, makes me feel stagnant and trapped.


And as far as relationships go, I actually think I commit TOO much of myself. I'm too much of a giver. But that's a whole other story.... Perhaps that's why I'm noncommittal in other areas of my life??


Actually, now that I think about it, I'm convinced I just have a problem making decisions. Now THAT I will fully admit too. I am horrible at making decisions. What to eat at a restaurant, what to wear in the morning... Or perhaps I just make horrible decisions.... And of course I'm referring to my financial decisions, which I am working on, by the way. I have this whole financial strategy detailed out and everything. This is the year, folks. And actually a friend gave me some great advice yesterday:

He said, "Just say you don't make major financial decisions in a day."

Ha! Easy, right? Perhaps that 9-word phrase is easier to say than the shorter 1-word version - "no."

Not likely.... :-\

I think I might need a 12-step program...

OK, so this whole commitment thing might have some merit.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Resolutions

OK, I know I've been MIA for the last few months, but what better way to get back in the blogging habit then committing my 2012 resolutions to writing...

Finances: If you recall Operation Finance, I had planned to be credit card debt free by 1/1/2012. Yeah, that obviously didn't happen. So this isn't really a resolution as it is a personal ultimatum. I NEED to get this shit UNDER CONTROL!! I made some SERIOUSLY stupid decisions last year when it came to $$ and, well, it's time to rein it in... Thankfully I have a few phone-a-friends that are willing to say "no" for me if I ever put myself in those situations again. OK, so... the plan:

1. I will put my January bonus and entire tax refund toward paying off Credit Card #1. (See? I mean business this time...)

2. Use the extra cash saved from paying off CC #1 to pay down CC #2.

3. Once CCs are paid down/off, use that $$ to increase payment on car (which, by the way, if I HADN'T traded in my beautiful Civic with great gas mileage, this payment would be ZERO right now... stupid).

4. Take $100 out every 2 weeks for frivilous spending. Once it's gone, it's gone. (I start this on Thursday...)

5. Seriously cut back on my shopping addiction... and by that, I mean by at least half. (This one's gonna be haaaarrrrrrd....)

6. Potentially get a 2nd job to ease the pain of my self inflicted financial noose...

GOALS: Have CC #1 paid off, most of CC #2 paid off, and increase car payment by at least $50 a month by end of year. And have at least 1 month's salary in savings...
Whew. A little ambitious, but I think it's doable.

Health: Not only am I not altogether happy with my body, I got some bloodwork done recently and apparently my vitamin D levels are low. I live in the Pac NW. Who knew?  :-\ So... I resolve to not only eat healthier (aka, cut back on the Ben and Jerrys) and be more physically active - whether that's going to the gym (which I did yesterday for the first time since October!), dancing, walking the dog, or just plain doing yardwork when I'd much rather be catching up on my TV shows - but to also take a multivitamin every day. FYI, I am terrible when it comes to vitamins. For some reason I have no problem remembering to give the dog his daily fish oil pill, but when it comes to me, I'm a flake. This one's gonna take some work.

Speaking of the dog, I'd like to take a slight tangent to tell a short story...

Just before Christmas, the little punk escaped from the backyard. It was totally my fault. The gate wasn't fully latched... So he took off, probably whoring himself out to every wretched smell within a mile radius, while the neighbor kids that saw him bolt chased after him. He made a cameo appearance INSIDE the grocery store a few blocks away, but for a good 18 hours, he was gone. The little shit was picked up by the police the next morning about 6 miles away near the Wal-Mart just off of the MF Highway. Needless to say I was a wreck and put him on house arrest for 2 days. Ugh. We're fine now, but shit man. If anything had happened to that dog....

Anyway, back to the resolutions.

Travel: Yeaaaah... this one's going to be a little difficult with my financial ultimatum, but I'm going to make it happen anyway. One, I want to go back to Orlando in March/April to cash in on my dolphin swim. And if I can't find a friend willing to go with me, and I have to do it alone, then so be it. I've got peeps in O-town. It'd be an adventure. :) Two, I want to go to Hawaii with my Caribbean ladies in September (Amelia - we decided this when we were in Vegas. So mark your calendar). Three, I want to go back to Vegas. :) Eventually I will make it across the big pond that is the Atlantic and get my fill of the European culture, but 2012 probably won't be the year. Maybe in 2013...

Operation Relocation: My last "resolution" if you can call it that, is to get out of the Dub Dub. Unless I get a substantial promotion at work (which is highly unlikely), in which case I'll stick it out for another year.... Until then, I've been applying for jobs the last month or so with the hopes that I can a) make more $$ (which is always nice) and b) move somewhere with a substantially better selection in the single-guy-that-doesn't-live-with-his-parents department. I haven't applied for that many positions yet, I'm still just getting my feet wet, so not much has come of it, but I'm confident I'll find something. I just have to be patient. I'm just proud of myself for actually taking steps to move on instead of only talking about it. It's time, and I'm excited for the possibilities. :)
